Robot Workspace

Configuration Space




This example shows a physics simulation of a robot arm. The arm is being controlled by software and is programmed to reach target configurations while avoiding obstacles on the way.
Robot Workspace
On the left, one can observe the robot and obstacles in the simulation.
Configuration Space
On the right one can observe the configuration space, here the same robot workspace is portrayed but in a different view. Configuration space shows the inner joint of the robot on the x-axis and the outer joint of the robot on the y-axis (both in radians). If a pixel is black the robot would be in a collision if it were in that configuration. The red square denotes the robots current configuration.
  • Spawn new balls as obstacles in the workspace and move them around by dragging them with the mouse. After you have moved the obstacles you should press the scan button so the robot may know of the new obstacle positions.
  • Give new target configurations by clicking in the work or configuration space in an empty/ white spot. The robot will then calculate a collision free path. (If possible.)